Thursday, March 27, 2014

Facebook Gives "Fan Pages" the Finger

Facebook has changed it's page policies and now only about 1% of my fans will ever see my posts. It's very disappointing for people like me who have worked hard to build up a fan base on Facebook over many years. (See the full article on TIME Magazine's website here:

Prior to this new change it was only about 16% of fans that saw my posts, as stated by Facebook in 2012. Facebook made $7 billion last year in advertisments, but now they've decided they need more money. I'm not some big corporation and there are a lot of other small businesses out there who will never get noticed because of this new policy. Facebook had been a great free platform for small businesses to grow their customer base and increase their exposure without having to spend thousands of dollars on advertising. But I suppose all good things must come to an end- if there is potential to make money. 

The new policy suggests you spend $1500 (per post) to boost visibility to your OWN FANS. That is ridiculous and obviously I am unable to pay for such advertising. It will be fascinating to see if Facebook's new money making strategy actually ends of backfiring, and driving people away from Facebook. I'm certainly hoping some of my fans will follow me over to a new platform like Google+. 

In conclusion, I'll continue to post my updates on Facebook, until I really feel like it isn't making a difference (and be sure to subscribe to get notifications when I post updates, if you want to stay connected) 

But as of now I will be making a transition over to Google+ so please connect with me here 

I'll also be utilizing my other platforms more frequently like Instagram, Blogger, and Twitter. If you'd like to continue to see my updates and participate in my contests please make sure you connect with me on one of my other networks as well (

I appreciate each and every one of you and all the support I've received from you guys! I would not be where I am today without you all- but like any good business person I must adapt with the times, and times they are a changing! xoxo L

Monday, March 17, 2014

The Design Pricing Formula

Pricing is possibly one of the most changeling things we must do as professional artists. I can't tell you how many times a potential client has insulted me with, "Why is it SO expensive!?" The client rarely takes into account that as an artist you are providing them with a specific service and that we don't just do it "for fun." We have bills to pay just like you. It's doubtful that someone would challenge their accountant, doctor, or plumber in the same fashion. Typically they expect those services to cost a certain amount so they are willing to pay the fee. For artists though, it can be tricky- especially with places like Deviant Art where you can find talented young high school students willing to work for free! 

I often get asked how to charge for artwork, and I have a much more "wordy" and in depth answer to that in my FAQ section here,

But recently I stumbled upon this fantastic little formula by David Airey ( a professional graphic designer from Northern Ireland. He simplifies the process so perfectly here! While obviously design pricing isn't an exact science- these are definitely the big points to consider when charging for your artwork! Hope this helps you along your journey toward being a pro! xoxo L