Monday, March 13, 2017

Best of 2016 Update!

It's been a while since I've updated the blog, so I thought I'd start with a 2016 Year in Review and reflect on all the new work I created this year! Phew.... time for a video game break! xoxo L

"Snow White," Acrylic on Hardboard. March, 2016.

"Josephine," Acrylic on Hardboard. April, 2016.

"A Girl With No Name," Acrylic on Hardboard. May 2016.

"Red," Acrylic on Hardboard. June, 2016.

"Sue 2.0," Acrylic on Hardboard. July, 2016.

"Imagine," Acrylic and Watercolor on Watercolor Paper. August, 2016.

"Wednesday,"Original ACEO (art card). Ink on Watercolor Paper. October, 2016.

"The Ink Kimono," Ink on Watercolor Paper, for InkTober. October, 2016.

"The Grand High Witch," Acrylic on Hardboard. October, 2016.

"Joy," Acrylic on Hardboard. November, 2016.

Finally, for the end of the year I did a few small Christmas works for The Bad Apple Artist Collective #BadApples12Days Art Challenge.

"Starry Night," Acrylic and Watercolor on Watercolor Paper. December, 2016.

"The Nutcracker," Acrylic and Watercolor on Watercolor Paper. December, 2016. 
"Candy Cane" Acrylic and Watercolor on Watercolor Paper. December, 2016.

"Wreath," Acrylic and Watercolor on Watercolor Paper. December, 2016.

You can check out the creation process of all these works on my video art blog, Art NuVogue here. And of course find prints any any available originals in my online shop here.

I'm so excited about all my new projects coming up in 2017! Stay tuned!

Leilani Joy